Gas Station WIP #07

Work In Progress / 12 January 2020

Phew has it really been 6 months? Christ I have been busy haha Started my new job at Firesprite and it really filled my time even though I have enjoyed almost every minuite of it.

Every now and then when I had time I would do little bits towards finishing parts but now with the new year I am to try and dedicate myself to actually finishing it off so I will make sure it is not 6 months again till the next update haha

Anywho, here are some of the updates I have done so far:


The main additions were more probs to fill the scene some more, I have added a picture of a bunch of the new propping additions:

The next main step is to add even more propping especially to the gas station building area in particular, add some actual 3D grass to the sides, [ut in a car and most importantly add cracks, wear and tear to the gas station flooring.

Hopefully will see you again soon this time for the next update and as always let me know any feedback you might have!